

The date_format settings allows you to set the format string to be used when producing strings out of date objects returned from the server. This option can be used both in standalone mode and integrated with TinyMCE it will default to the current language pack format.

Example of usage in TinyMCE

moxiemanager_date_format: '%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S'

Example of usage in standalone mode

date_format: '%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S'

Date format items

%D mm/dd/yy (same as %m/%d/%y)
%r 12-hour clock time hh:mm:ss with AM or PM (same as %I:%M:%S %p)
%y year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
%Y year as a decimal number including the century
%m month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12)
%B full localised month name (e.g. "January")
%b abbreviated localised month name (e.g. "Jan")
%d day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31)
%A full localised weekday name (e.g. "Monday")
%a abbreviated localised weekday name (e.g. "Mon")
%H hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
%I hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
%M minute as a decimal number (range 00-59)
%S second as a decimal number (range 00-59)
%p either "am" or "pm" according to the given time value
%% a literal "%" character